How to track your shipment?
For every order we send, you will find a tracking number in your account. To make it easier to find, we have prepared an image for you with a label indicating where you can find this number.
Your tracking number contains:
• Name of the shipping company
• Shipment number
We currently use the shipping companies Raben, GLS, QDL and others however, tracking of the shipment is only possible through:
• Raben: Sledovanie zásielky Raben
• GLS: Sledovanie zásielky GLS
• QDL: Sledovanie zásielky_new - QDL
Just enter the tracking number on the website of the respective shipping company and you will immediately find out the current location of your package.
Attached image:
Example of where you can find the tracking number in your order.
This way you always have your shipment under control!